Pink Panther Plant

Pink Panther Plant (Callisia Repens Pink Panther) Care Guide

The Pink Panther plant is named after the popular cartoon character for its distinctively marked leaves. It’s a relatively new houseplant, so not much is known about its long-term care. However, we do know that it’s a fast-growing, low-maintenance plant that does well in bright, indirect light.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the Pink Panther plant, how to care for it, what to look out for, and more. Whether you are considering buying the plant or already have one and want to make the most out of it, this guide should help you take care of it and ensure its long, healthy life!

A Detailed Overview of the Pink Panther Plant

The Pink Panther plant is a fast-growing, low-maintenance houseplant that does well in bright, indirect light. It is named after the popular 90’s cartoon character for its distinctively marked leaves. The plant is native to tropical regions of South America and can grow up to 3 feet tall indoors.

Pink Panther plants are relatively new to the houseplant world, and not much is known about their long-term care. However, we know they are fast-growing and have elongated flowers that do well in bright, indirect light.

They are also considered to be toxic for humans and animals, so make sure you hang them high and out of reach!

What Does The Pink Panther Plant Look Like?

Picture of Pink Panther Plant

The Pink Panther plant, also known as the “Pink Lady,” “Creeping Inch Plant,” or the Pink Turtle Vine, is a low-growing succulent with dark purple and pink-shared leaves. These leaves are covered in light pink veins, hence giving it the name “Pink Panther.”

The veins on the leaves are tiny water-storing veins that also help to reflect light and keep the plant from getting overheated. The underside of the leaves is dark pink or purple.

The plant produces small, elongated pink flowers that are truly a sight to behold. The flowers bloom in the spring and summer seasons. The flowers don’t have much of a fragrance but have a slightly sweet tinge to them when you get up close and personal. The smell also attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies.

How Do You Take Care of The Pink Panther Plant?

Care for your Pink Panther plant is relatively easy. These plants are fast growers, so they will need to be repotted every year or two to ensure they have enough room to grow. Use a well-draining potting mix that contains perlite or vermiculite to help with drainage.

Pink Panther plants prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions as well. If the leaves start to turn yellow, this is a sign that the plant is not getting enough light. Move it to a brighter spot.

Fertilize your Pink Panther plant once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. You can reduce the frequency of fertilizing to once every two months in the fall and winter.

How Do You Know That The Pink Panther Plant is Sick?

To check your plant for sickness, first, check the leaves for signs of pests or disease. If you see any pests, such as aphids or mealybugs, remove them with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. If the leaves are covered in white powder, this is a sign of mealybugs. You can also treat mealybugs with rubbing alcohol.

If the leaves are yellowing or wilting, this could be a sign of too much or too little water. Check the potting mix to see if it is dry or wet, and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Yellow leaves can also be a sign of too much or too little direct sunlight, so move the plant to a spot with less or more light respectively.

If you see any other signs of distress, such as wilting or browning leaves, consult a professional for help.

Does The Pink Panther Plant Get Root Bound?

Since Pink Panther plants are fast growers, they will eventually become root bound if they are not repotted every year or two. When this happens, the roots start to crowd the pot, and the plant can no longer take up enough water and nutrients.

If you think your Pink Panther plant is root bound, gently remove it from its pot and check the roots. If they are tightly tangled and growing in a circular pattern, then the plant is root bound and needs to be repotted. You can also untangle the roots with a fork and cut the ends – like they do in Bonsais.

Use a well-draining potting mix and a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one. Gently loosen the roots before placing the plant in the new pot. Water thoroughly and allow the excess water to drain away.

Propagating The Pink Panther Plant

Pink Panther plants can be propagated from stem cuttings or by dividing an overcrowded plant – like almost every other succulent.

If you are looking to propagate the Pink Panther plant from stem cuttings, take a small cutting – even if it is just a simple twig or branch –and remove the lower leaves. Dip the end of the cutting in a cinnamon mix or rooting hormone (if available) and plant it in a well-draining potting mix.

You can also make do without the rooting hormone, as the plant is relatively hardy. Water lightly and place the pot in a bright, indirect light spot. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and your cutting should root within 2-3 weeks.

Make sure you wash your hands after handling the plant!

Dividing An Overcrowded Plant

Carefully remove the plant from its pot and gently pull it apart. Based on the size, you can break it into as many pieces as you’d like, so long as it doesn’t get too small. Make sure every section has roots and at least one stem with leaves. Replant the sections in their own pots and water the well.

What Are Some Common Problems With The Pink Panther Plant?

The Pink Panther plant is a relatively resistant species, considering it is a succulent, but there are a few things to watch out for.

Mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites can all be problems for these plants. These pests are attracted to stressed or unhealthy plants, so make sure your Pink Panther plant is getting enough light and water. Inspect the plant regularly for signs of pests such as white powdery substance (mealybugs), small green insects (aphids), or webbing (spider mites).

If you see any pests, you can remove them by hand or treat the plant with insecticidal soap or rubbing alcohol, plus a cotton bud.

Overwatering is the most common problem with Pink Panther plants.

How Big Does The Pink Panther Plant Get?

The Pink Panther plant is a fast-growing evergreen that can reach up to 2 feet (or 60cm is more common for indoor plants) tall indoors. Outdoors, the plant can grow up to 3 feet (or 90 cm) tall. The larger your pot is, the more it will spread as well. However, we recommend that you prune it regularly to maintain its shape.

This is because as the branches grow, they may start bending downwards, exposing their branches and having leaves at the ends only. This gives the plant a “sickly” aesthetic. Keep the plant pruned to avoid this “stretched out” look.

Does The Pink Panther Plant Grow Fast?

Yes, the Pink Panther plant is a fast-growing evergreen that can reach up to 3 feet tall indoors and 6 feet tall outdoors.

The Pink Panther plant can be grown indoors, but it tends to grow much better outdoors in the open ground. You will not get the stretched-out look if the plant is in the ground as the branches start rooting as they propagate.

Having said that, it is important to remember that the plant can spread rather quickly when on the ground and may become a “pest” for other, more fragile plants in the long run.

Is The Pink Panther Plant Rare?

No, the Pink Panther plant is not rare. These plants are relatively easy to find at nurseries and garden centers. However, the plant is relatively expensive because of its cartoony profile and demand. It is considered a low-budget luxury plant, best for hanging indoors, on patios, or fences.

Pink Panther Plant Versus Polka-Dot Plant

The Pink Panther plant is often confused with the similar-looking Polka-Dot plant. However, there is one major difference between these two plants; the colors. The polka-dot plant features a pink and green outlook, while the Pink Panther features a light and dark pink (with purple shade below) outlook.

Both plants are relatively easy to care for, but the pink panther plant is more drought resistant and can tolerate lower light levels than the polka-dot plant. The polka-dot plant is also more likely to attract pests, so if you have pets or children who might be tempted to nibble on your plants, neither is a good choice.

However, while pink panthers can be toxic for children and pets, polka-dot plants are not.

The polka dot plant can tolerate a wide range of light levels – much more than the Pink Panther plant. When taking care of your polka-dot plant, water it when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Allow the plant to drain after watering, and never leave it sitting in water.

While it may not damage the plant right away, the roots may start to rot if you always overwater it. The polka dot plant does best in a well-draining potting mix, though. If you notice the leaves starting to yellow, that’s a sign that you’re fertilizing too much – back off on the frequency or dilute your fertilizer even further.

These plants like to stay on the dry side, so allow the potting mix to dry out completely between waterings. Water your Pink Panther plant thoroughly, then allow the excess water to drain away. Do not let the plant sit in water, as this can lead to root rot since it is a succulent!

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Sources  & Resources


1. The Pink Panther: Plant by Carmen Mauri

2. The Genus Phalaenopsis by Phillip Cribb

3. A Guide to the Orchids of the World by David J. Cootes

4. The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico by Paul Martin Brown

5. Orchid Flowers: Their Pollination and Evolution by Karl Niklas


1. “The Biology of an Unusual Orchid, the Pink Panther Plant” by Carmen Mauri

2. “How a Little Pink Panther orchid eluded scientists for so long” by Michael Tennesen

3. “Is This Plant an Orchid or a Work of Art?” by Leslie Fiedler

4. “The Orchid that Refuses to Be Ignored” by Phillip Cribb




