Hoya sunrise

Hoya Sunrise Care Guide (& Where to Buy)

Hoya Sunrise is a rare hybrid plant that is considered a great house plant. They can be easy to care for if you know how to maintain them. Hoyas are considered easy-to-maintain house plants. If you are looking for a beautiful and unique plant to brighten your space, you should consider the Hoya Sunrise.

The Hoya Sunrise is a rare plant native to Southeast Asia. It is a hybrid plant between Hoya lacunosa and Hoya obscura. It is well known for its teardrop-shaped leaves that change color in the sun. This plant is popular because of its ability to shift color in direct sunlight. The plant has small, star-shaped, cream-yellow blooms emitting a fragrance that many note refreshing.

Although its hybrid nature makes it relatively rare, you can still find stalks online if you wish to purchase a plant. If you follow the care instructions for your Hoya Sunrise, you will have success in keeping it healthy and alive.

What Does a Hoya Sunrise Look Like?

Hoya sunrise resembles the hoya obscura. Hoya sunrise has dark green teardrop-shaped leaves with lighter veining and can have some speckles. In direct sunlight, the leaves stress a deep maroon color. The delicate green veining stands out beautifully against the dark maroon of the sun-stressed leaves. The Hoya Sunrise also has small cream-yellow blooms known for their refreshing fragrance.

How Do You Care For a Hoya Sunrise?

Understanding how to care for any plant you hope to keep in your home is vital. You should know exactly what you need to do to preserve the life of your plant before you commit to keeping one in your home or garden. Every plant has its own set of care instructions.

The Hoya Sunrise is a tropical plant. It can spend most of the day in bright shade and thrive. Your plant will do best in an area allowing a few hours of direct sunlight. Gentle sunlight will encourage the growth of more blooms. It will also help it to grow faster.

When your Hoya Sunrise begins to bloom, refrain from cutting off the flower stalks, also known as peduncles. Hoyas can rebloom from the same stalk multiple times, so you should leave the flower stalks alone to promote the plant’s health.

How Often Do You Water the Plant?

Every house plant will have different watering requirements. Over-watering or under-watering can be detrimental to the health of your plant. You must know precisely how much water your Hoya Sunrise should get and how often you should water it.

The Hoya Sunrise only needs watering every 12 days. You should give it .08 cups of water. Over or underwatering can cause yellowing. You should take care to follow instructions.

An excellent way to ensure that the roots don’t sit in water for too long is to pot your plant in a tall, narrow terracotta pot. The porous nature of terracotta will absorb moisture faster, minimizing the risk of overwatering.

How Much Light Does Hoya Sunrise Need?

The Hoya Sunrise is well known for its teardrop-shaped leaves that change color in direct sunlight. The leaves shift from dark green to a deep maroon, leaving the light green veining to stand out. This shift requires direct sunlight.

You should aim to get your Hoya Sunrise into direct sunlight for around 6 hours daily. You should put your plant in a medium to a bright spot to ensure that it is getting enough sunlight. The best place to put your Hoya Sunrise plant would be about 3 feet away from an east or west-facing window. This will give it direct sunlight for the appropriate amount of time.

If you want your Hoya Sunrise to reach its full potential, you should ensure it is getting enough direct sunlight. An artificial light source can be a good solution if you need a window that will provide enough light.

What to Do if Your Hoya Sunrise Has Yellow Leaves

Yellowing leaves can be a sign of bad health in any plant. If your Hoya Sunrise has yellowing leaves, you should consider what could be causing the problem and find a solution to bring the plant back to its full health.

Yellowing leaves can be a sign of a variety of things. Some things that can cause yellowing leaves in your Hoya Sunrise include irregular watering, temperature stress, light stress, pests or diseases, age, nutrient deficiency, or acclimation.

It can be difficult to diagnose what is causing the reason behind the yellowing leaves on your Hoya Sunrise. The most common issue hoya owners encounter is yellowing due to overwatering or soil that is not draining correctly.

The first thing you should do is re-pot your plant. You should use soil that will promote healthy drainage. You should stick to the appropriate watering schedule for your Hoya Sunrise. Your plant will need .08 cups of water every 12 days. Any more, and you will run the risk of overwatering and causing yellow leaves.

Make sure that your plant is receiving an appropriate amount of sunlight. A few hours of direct sunlight a day will keep it healthy. Consider bringing your plant inside if the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The yellow leaves on your plant could be an indication of temperature stress.

Yellow leaves do not necessarily mean that your Hoya Sunrise will die. It is a sign that it is not in its healthiest condition, and you might need to make some changes. As long as you properly care for your Hoya Sunrise, it should be relatively simple to rectify the issue of yellow leaves.

When Should You Repot Hoya Sunrise?

Some plants need to be repotted regularly to maintain their health. The Hoya Sunrise is root bound, so it should not need to be repotted often. However, if your plant has run out of space for root growth, you can move it to a larger pot.

A terracotta pot is the best option for potting a Hoya Sunrise. The porous nature of terracotta will dry out your soil quicker, minimizing the risk of over-watering. You should also look for a pot with a drainage hole to help drain excess water faster.

You should choose a terracotta pot that is tall and narrow. This will help keep your plant’s roots from sitting in water. The goal is to ensure that your plant does not suffer from over-watering. It is always good to look for a pot with a drainage hole.

Where to Buy the Hoya Sunrise? How Much Do They Cost?

There are a number of places to buy a Hoya Sunrise online – they typically cost $20-$40 and can be found a few places:

  • https://plantproper.com/products/hoya-sunrise
  • https://www.insucculentlove.com/products/hoya-sunrise
  • https://pleasewetmyplant.com/products/hoya-sunrise

Final Verdict

Caring for your Hoya Sunrise does not have to be an intimidating task to take on. It is generally an easy plant to care for. Hoyas are common houseplants because of their relatively low-maintenance nature.

You should pot your plant in a tall, narrow terracotta pot. You should find a pool with a drainage hole. This is to help absorb water quickly so that the risk of over-watering is minimized.

If you want to enjoy the deep purple hue of Hoya Sunrise leaves, you should ensure that your plant remains in direct sunlight for up to 6 hours a day. Placing your plant near an east or west-facing window will be the best spot to get the appropriate amount of sunlight.

Your plant will do best in temperatures between 60 degrees and 80 degrees. If your plant is exposed to temperatures below 50 degrees, it will suffer from yellowing leaves.

The Hoya Sunrise is a hybrid plant between the Hoya lacunosa and Hoya obscura. It is well known for its teardrop-shaped leaves that change from dark green to maroon in direct sunlight. It also has star-shaped blooms known for their refreshing fragrance. It is an easy house plant to care for as long as you pay attention to how often you water it and how much sunlight it receives.

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Additional Sources & Resources


-Hoya: A Collector’s Guide by Dick Wright

-The genus Hoya by Walter Heinrich Mander

-Hoya: The World of Wax Flowers by Morita Kazuo


-A revision of Hoya R.Br. (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) in Malesia by Peter B. Phillipson

-The hoya species formerly known as “Hoya australis” by Dick Wright

-Hoya curtisii, a new species from Luzon Island, Philippines by W. Rodriquez and P.B. Phillipson


-The Hoyas Page

-Hoya Species List

-A to Z Index of All the Hoya Plant Types Grown Commercially